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12 Effective A/B Testing Tips for Mobile and WebSites

Optimize your mobile app and e-commerce site with A/B testing. Discover 12 tips to improve conversions with insights from a top website development company.

Alexis van Schalkwyk
January 9, 2023
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An essential tool for raising conversion rates and streamlining the creation of mobile apps and e-commerce websites is A/B testing. Businesses can improve user experience and increase conversion rates by testing multiple iterations of a website or design and evaluating which version works better. These 12 crucial A/B testing pointers can help any website development or e-commerce organization increase testing efficacy and improve outcomes.

1. Technology is Your Friend

Thanks to advancements in software development services, A/B testing is easier than ever. For example, you can create two versions of an email with different offers and track which generates more conversions through unique codes. Tools like Google Optimize, Optimizely, and VWO can help automate and analyze your A/B tests, ensuring you make data-driven decisions to improve your website or mobile app.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the value of user feedback. Sometimes, physical testing with real customers can provide valuable insights that technology alone may not capture.

2. Eliminate Friction

Friction is anything that slows down the customer’s journey toward conversion. In e-commerce and mobile app development, friction can manifest as long forms, slow-loading pages, or confusing navigation. Simplify your processes. For example, reduce form fields to the minimum necessary or optimize page loading speed to encourage quicker conversions. Shorter, smoother interactions often result in higher conversion rates.

3. Focus on Your Call to Action (CTA)

Whether it's a "Sign Up" button for mobile app registrations or a "Buy Now" button for e-commerce sites, your call to action (CTA) is critical for generating conversions. CTA phrasing, placement, and design should be the main subjects of A/B testing. Try varying the color, size, or even the action-oriented words of the CTA to see which one generates the most engagement.

4. Know Your Customer Base

Every business has a target audience, and understanding yours is critical for successful A/B testing. For e-commerce sites and mobile apps, your audience demographics and user behaviors will inform your testing strategy. Knowing who your customers are, their preferences, and their pain points will help you tailor your tests for more relevant results.

5. Avoid Mediocre Pages or Ads

Don't let your test quality suffer. In an A/B test, conversion should be the primary design objective for both versions. Your results will be skewed by shoddy copies or alternatives with poor design. Make sure every variation shows a sincere attempt to enhance the customer experience or address a problem.

6. Be Cautious with Multivariate Testing

While A/B testing compares two versions, multivariate testing examines multiple elements at once, such as headlines, images, and CTAs. This can be useful but requires more data to provide meaningful results. For businesses that are just starting with testing, focus on A/B testing before diving into multivariate options.

7. Test Beyond Ads and Pages

A/B testing shouldn’t be limited to web pages or ads. Test anything that impacts the user experience—this could include the layout of your e-commerce product pages, checkout processes, or even onboarding flows for mobile apps. Testing different elements across the customer journey helps identify areas of improvement.

8. Change Feature Placement

A simple change in the layout or placement of key features, such as images, buttons, or forms, can have a significant impact on conversions. For example, testing the position of a "Buy Now" button on an e-commerce page could increase the likelihood of a purchase.

9. Leverage SEO with A/B Testing

SEO and A/B testing go hand-in-hand. Use search engine optimization strategies to drive the right audience to your website, ensuring your tests reach the most relevant users. Testing landing page headlines, meta descriptions, and keywords can also enhance visibility and drive more qualified traffic.

10. Analyze Both Negative and Positive Results

Not every test will produce positive results, and that’s okay. Negative results are just as valuable because they provide insights into what doesn’t work for your audience. Understanding why certain elements failed can guide your future optimization efforts and help refine your strategy.

11. Track Database and Response Rates

Tracking your conversion rates and analyzing your data is essential for drawing meaningful insights. Use A/B testing tools like HubSpot, Optimizely, or Google Analytics to split-test various elements and gather insights. These platforms provide in-depth reports to help you make informed decisions based on user interactions.

12. Understand and Act on Your Results

Although it's not always easy to interpret the findings of A/B testing, it's important to take the time to do so. Understanding the "why" behind an improvement in a metric is just as important to a successful test as making the metric better. There's always more to test—customer preferences shift and improvements may always be made.


A/B testing is a powerful tool for any business involved in mobile app development, e-commerce website development, or website design in general. By leveraging these 12 A/B testing tips, you can optimize the user experience, boost conversions, and stay competitive in a fast-evolving digital landscape.

Looking for expert assistance with software development services or testing solutions? Contact today, a leading website and mobile app development company, to help you build, test, and refine your digital platforms for success.

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