Agile Development – The Scrum Method
The Agile approach to project management is at least fifteen years old and borrows concepts from older methods. An Agile approach takes on an iterative approach to software delivery as opposed to the waterfall approach. Agile project management works by breaking projects into little bits of user functionality called ‘user stories’, prioritising them and continuously delivering them in two-week cycles. Agile is actually umbrella term for several iterative and incremental software development methodologies, such as Extreme Programming (XP), the Scrum Method, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Lean Development, and Feature-Driven Development (FDD). We look at one Agile Framework, in particular, the Scrum methodology.
In the late 1990’s, several methodologies began to gain public attention, each having a combination of old and new ideas. These methodologies encompassed close collaboration between the development team and business stakeholders. Frequent delivery of business value, tight, self-organising teams; and smart ways to craft, confirm, and deliver code. The term ‘Agile’ was applied to this collection of methodologies in early 2001, when 17 software development practitioners gathered in Snowbird, Utah to discuss their shared ideas and different approaches to software development. The joint collection of principles and values was called the ‘Manifesto for Agile Software Development and it’s 12 principles.
The precursor of the more generic “lean manufacturing”.
Taiichi Ohno and Eiji Toyoda developed the system between 1948 and 1975.
OODA: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.
Know where you are, assess your options, make a decision, and act!
Plan, Do, Check, Act.
Plan it. Do it. Check whether it did what you wanted. Act = Change.
Too many resources make the team go slow. (Basically, too many cooks spoil the broth.
Brooks Law – Adding power late, makes it later.
Cross-functional – Are equipped with all the skills to complete the project.
Autonomous – Gives teams the freedom to make their own decisions.
Empowered – Gives teams the ability to act on those decisions.
Transcendent – Have a purpose that is greater than themselves
.“A team has to demand greatness from itself.”
Everyone knows Everything, communication saturation accelerates work.
1.What did you do since the last time we talked?
2.What are you going to do before we talk again?
3.And what is getting in your way?
a.Backlog – ALL the work that needs to be done.
b.To Do – Current sprints worklist to be completed
c.Doing – Work in progress from current sprint.
d.Done – Work completed
e.Demo or Die. At the end of each Sprint, have something that’s done, something that can be used or demonstrated to those that matter.
Three Scrum Roles
Product Owner – What the work should be, translate productivity to value.
Scrum Master – How the work should be done.
Team member – Does the work.
Product owner
Translates the vision into Backlog.
Must understand the business case, the market, and the customer
Should have everything on it.
Prioritise it. Items with
value and lowest risk at the top of that Backlog.
Find out the 20% of input that yields 80% of the output.
“Figure out where the most value can be delivered for the least effort, and do that one right away.”
Multitasking makes you slower and worse at both tasks.
Focus on completing one thing before moving onto another.
“Doing half of something is essentially doing nothing at all.”
Fix errors and bugs right away.
Alternatively, spend two weeks trying to find your mistakes… NOT AN OPTION!
Choose the smoothest, most trouble-free way to get things done.
Scrum is about enabling the most flow possible.
Goals that are challenging are motivators.
Goals that are impossible are just depressing.
SovTech has adopted the Agile method in our software development. GanttPRO promotes the Agile Scrum development method as well and has some more insightful information around its’ benefits. Contact today for more information on how we can build you innovative custom software.