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How to Craft Winning Prices for Your Custom Software

Discover how to leverage psychological pricing tactics to influence customer perception and drive sales of your custom software development offerings.

Alistair Von Glehn
January 9, 2023
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Gone are the days of guesswork when it comes to pricing your custom software development services. By understanding the psychology behind consumer behaviour, you can craft pricing strategies that not only reflect the value you deliver but also nudge customers toward making the desired choices. This guide equips you, the business leader, with powerful pricing tactics based on real-world examples, allowing you to optimise your pricing strategy and unlock new levels of success.

Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Pricing Experiments

Pricing plays a pivotal role in any business, and custom software development is no exception. It determines your profitability and how your customers perceive the value you offer. While setting the "right" price might seem straightforward, various factors, including psychological biases, can significantly influence customer decisions.

This is where the power of pricing experiments comes into play. Pricing experiments are controlled tests designed to evaluate the effectiveness of different pricing strategies. These experiments involve presenting various pricing options to different groups of potential customers and analysing their responses to understand which options resonate best.

By systematically varying elements like price points, package structures, and promotional messaging, you can gain valuable insights into how customers perceive your offerings and make data-driven decisions about your pricing strategy.

Leveraging the Science of Perception: Powerful Tactics for Your Toolkit

Here are some key tactics you can implement to leverage the science of perception and optimise your pricing strategy:

  1. The Decoy Effect: Introduce a strategically priced "decoy" option alongside your main offerings. This seemingly unattractive option, priced slightly lower than your desired choice, can subtly nudge customers towards selecting your preferred option. Think of it as a subtle nudge, guiding them towards the value proposition you want to highlight.

Microsoft Office 365: Microsoft offers several subscription plans for Microsoft 365, including a "Personal" plan, a "Family" plan, and a "Business Essentials" plan. The "Family" plan acts as the decoy, priced slightly higher than the "Personal" plan but offering minimal additional features for individual users. This subtly nudges customers towards the more lucrative "Business" plan packages, which cater to small businesses and offer significantly more features at a higher price point.

  1. The Magic of Number 9: Studies have shown that prices ending in 9 tend to be perceived as more attractive compared to rounded numbers. This seemingly insignificant detail can influence customer behaviour, making them perceive your offerings as more affordable.

Apple: Apple is famous for using prices ending in 9 for its products. For instance, the iPhone 14 starts at $799, and the MacBook Air starts at $999. While the difference of a dollar might seem insignificant, studies suggest that these prices are perceived as more affordable compared to rounded numbers like $800 or $1000.

  1. Anchoring and the Power of Contrast: People often judge value based on comparisons. By strategically placing a higher-priced option alongside your desired choice, you can subconsciously "anchor" the perceived value of your preferred option, making it appear more reasonable in comparison.

Amazon Prime: Amazon strategically offers a free trial for Prime membership alongside its paid subscription. This trial period serves as an anchor, allowing users to experience the benefits of Prime firsthand. Once the trial ends, the perceived value of the paid membership increases in comparison, making it more likely for users to convert into paying subscribers.

  1. The Power of Three: Offering three distinct pricing options can be highly effective. This approach allows customers to feel like they have a choice while subtly influencing them towards the middle option, which you can strategically position as the most value-packed option.

Spotify: Spotify offers three subscription tiers: "Free," "Premium," and "Premium Family." The free tier acts as a loss leader, attracting users with limited features. The "Premium" tier offers ad-free listening and on-demand playback, while the "Premium Family" tier extends these benefits to up to six users. This three-tiered approach provides users with a sense of choice while subtly influencing them towards the paid options that offer greater value.

  1. Reframing the Value Proposition: If your pricing falls outside the expected market range, consider reframing the value proposition of your services. By highlighting unique features, exceptional customer service, or a superior user experience, you can justify a higher price point and change how customers perceive your offerings.

Netflix: When Netflix first entered the market, it offered a unique value proposition compared to traditional video rental stores. By providing unlimited access to movies and TV shows for a monthly subscription fee, Netflix reframed the way consumers viewed movie rentals. This innovative approach, combined with a strategic pricing strategy, revolutionised the entertainment industry.

Now that you're armed with these powerful tactics, it's time to take action. In the next section, we'll explore how business leaders can leverage the science of perception to optimise their pricing strategies and achieve remarkable results.

Business Leaders: Take Action and Experiment

As a business leader, you can leverage these tactics to your advantage by:

  • You are conducting A/B testing on your website or marketing materials. This allows you to compare different pricing options and observe which resonates best with your target audience.
  • You are training your sales team on the psychology of pricing. Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate the value proposition of your services and subtly guide customers toward the most profitable options.
  • Continuously monitoring and analysing customer data. Pay close attention to customer feedback and purchasing behaviour to identify any trends or insights that can inform future pricing decisions.


  • Ethical considerations are paramount. Ensure any pricing tactics you employ are truthful and transparent.
  • Continual testing and refinement are key. The market landscape and customer preferences constantly evolve. Therefore, regularly testing and refining your pricing strategy is crucial for sustained success.

SovTech: Flexible Solutions for Your Scaling Needs

While crafting the perfect pricing strategy is crucial, your development partner should also offer the flexibility to adapt as your business grows. SovTech understands this. That's why we offer flexible subscription plans for our custom software development services.

Whether you're a startup seeking to build an MVP or an established enterprise looking to scale your operations, SovTech can tailor a solution to fit your specific needs and budget. Our flexible plans allow you to easily upscale or downscale your development resources as needed, ensuring you only pay for what you use. This means you can focus on achieving your business goals without worrying about rigid contracts or hidden fees.


By understanding the science of perception and incorporating these powerful pricing tactics, you can transform your pricing strategy from a guessing game into a strategic tool that drives sales, boosts profitability, and positions your custom software development business for long-term success. Remember, ethical considerations are paramount, and continuous testing and refinement are crucial for navigating the ever-evolving market landscape. Embrace the power of experimentation and leverage the science of perception to unlock the true potential of your pricing strategy. By incorporating these psychological pricing tactics and conducting strategic experiments, you can unlock the true potential of your pricing strategy, drive sales, and achieve long-term success in custom software development.

When it comes to custom software development, SovTech is more than just a service provider; we're your partner in growth. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, and our flexible subscription plans reflect this commitment. Contact SovTech today to discuss your software development needs and learn how we can help you achieve your business goals.

As seen on FOX, Digital journal, NCN, Market Watch, Bezinga and more
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