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Marketing Automation Cloud

Marketing Automation Cloud with SovTech Team
January 9, 2023
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Marketing Automation Cloud

We thought it would be valuable to write a post about one of SovTech’s new products – the Marketing Automation Cloud, and give a brief introduction to what marketing automation is and some of the features of this marketing tool.

So what is marketing automation? It makes sense to describe this by describing a customers journey from page hit to lead. As a customer lands on your page, he or she will be identified as an IP address and potentially some geographical information. To get information on them, you place a call-to-action prompt through a form that allows you identify that person, along with their information. That customer then becomes a known visitor and is converted to a lead.

Marketing to that lead is what the software is made for. The information about where they came from (what part of the site they were looking at, for example) needs to inform the marketing management to ensure the most effective marketing material is pushed through to them. You create a campaign through a simple drag-and-drop interface that automates all of this. Firstly, you will decide what leads should get the information that you plan to send. Then you send the customised material (either through email, sms, mobile or social media). After which, you can then measure the success of the campaign by measuring all of the customers actions. You constantly learn how to improve your campaigns

Lead Nurturing and Tracking

You can track a customer throughout your website and constantly update their profile with the latest information. From this, you can build a very strong profile of that customer by tracking everything they do. Knowing their behaviour allows you to nurture them along the sales funnel. A big advantage of the software platform is that you can track them through any mean with a custom API (for example, on a mobile application)

Campaign Marketing Tool and Dripflow Programmes

Creating the rules for a campaign is easy with a simple drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create a complex and dynamic campaign. Keeping track of the success of the campaign is important and is done through the campaign management interface. Nurturing through sales funnel gets more personal with these tools.

Social Media Integrations

Integrations allow for direct engagement with the customer. They also allow you to further enrich the data that you have gathered from each of your customers by gathering data on their social media platforms. These integrations can be done with any platform through our powerful API.

Landing Pages and Assets

You can create a beautiful and custom landing page for any campaign through a very easy page builder. Landing pages are important as they allow you to track the lead engagement more accurately. You can also build or import your own landing pages through the source code editor. Some of the metrics that you can track are page views, assets downloaded and forms submitted.

As seen on FOX, Digital journal, NCN, Market Watch, Bezinga and more
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