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Software Innovations Making Waves This Decade

Software Innovations Making Waves This Decade

Alexis van Schalkwyk
January 9, 2023
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Software Innovations Making Waves This Decade

What is software? In the grand scheme of things, it is one small facet of human accomplishment. At SovTech, however, we understand the true potential of software development. With new software innovations, we see the world become a little clearer and move a little further forward.
This decade is shaping up to be a big one in custom software development. Already, some of the best software we’ve seen yet has taken form.

Dell Mobile Connect

We split a lot of time between screens these days, and businesses run more smoothly when a clean connection between mobile devices and computers is available. The Dell Mobile Connect software innovation was unveiled at CES in January of 2019.  When an internet connection is not available, Dell Mobile Connect
allows pictures, apps, and other data to be easily transferred from one device to another.

Tesla Blind Spot

Tesla’s name has been in the news a lot lately. This is a company that has transformed the software innovation space. As self-driving cars become more of a reality and we find ourselves inching towards that future, we’re only going to be hearing more from them. This year, Tesla has updated their cars’ software to include blind-spot detection. That bane of driver’s Ed is now programmable into the cars of the future.

Wifi Outlets

Smart homes are no longer just a dream for the distant future. They’re here. And the cell of the smart house is on the market right now. Wifi-enabled smart outlets are the perfect starting point for building a smart home. These outlets contain software that will allow people and businesses to save energy by keeping unused items in low power modes. The remote
control is also a huge benefit, allowing devices to be turned off remotely, wherever there is an internet connection.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a pretty broad term. It can encompass everything from a funny chatbot to a fully-fledged Arthur C. Clarke robot. One recent AI software innovation is a creation from Imperial College London and the University of Melbourne. This development accurately predicts the survival rate of cancer patients.
It has currently been shown to be more accurate at predicting the prognosis of ovarian cancer patients than other current methods. This software innovation is likely to help doctors create more personalised care routines for patients, improving prognoses and quality of life.

We are excited to witness the software development and innovations that are taking form this decade. Together, we are seeing the world become a littel clearer, and move a little further forward!

As seen on FOX, Digital journal, NCN, Market Watch, Bezinga and more
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