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SovTech feature on 2oceans radio

SovTech feature on 2oceans radio Team
January 9, 2023
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SovTech feature on 2oceans radio

2oceans radio recently invited SovTech to a telephonic interview discussing the Women In Stem initiatives that SovTech is a part of. Our Commercial Director, Chase Le Roux also spoke on innovations being brought forward by the company and shared insights on Innovation, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT). Click on the link below to listen in on the SovTech feature on 2oceans radio.

Gender bias in the tech industry keeps many women from considering STEM careers. Only 25% of computing jobs are held by women and this has been declining for years. Only 2% of all IT patents from 1980 to 2010, were by female-only invention teams. It is not ideal to have technology being created for a diverse population to be formed by a generally homogeneous group alone.

SovTech’s staff compliment is 22% female ranging from Developers, Managers and Testers. It is our mission to actively increase the female representation in tech across the board. We are also active supporters of WomenThinkCode and other female tech initiatives.

Read up on our sponsorship of the Women In Stem category at the recently concluded MTN App Awards of The Year

As seen on FOX, Digital journal, NCN, Market Watch, Bezinga and more
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