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The Importance of Mobile Apps for Existing Businesses

The Importance of Mobile Apps for Existing Businesses

Alexis van Schalkwyk
January 9, 2023
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The Importance of Mobile Apps for Existing Businesses

Mobile apps are more than just fun and games. Whether you’re an existing business looking to expand into new markets or an entrepreneur trying to take your business to the next level, mobile apps can be incredibly useful, especially if you’re using them for marketing purposes. For example, when you build a mobile app to showcase your business, you allow yourself to reach millions of people who previously weren’t aware of your business and its products or services. To learn more about non-obvious reasons why existing businesses need mobile apps, read on!

24/7 Business

In today’s business world, it’s important to be available to your customers 24/7. A mobile app can help you do that by providing a platform for customers to reach you at any time, day or night. Plus, a mobile app can help you build and maintain customer loyalty. By offering exclusive deals and rewards through your app, you can encourage customers to keep coming back.

And finally, a mobile app can help you stay ahead of the competition. If your competitors don’t have an app, you can use yours to give your business a leg up. So if you’re thinking about starting a business, or if you already have one, make sure to consider a mobile app as part of your overall strategy.

Attract Generation Z

As the oldest members of Generation Z enter the workforce, it’s important to consider how to appeal to this demographic. They are digital natives who have grown up with technology at their fingertips, and as a result, they expect businesses to have a strong online presence. A mobile app is a great way to reach out to this demographic and connect with them on their terms.

Ensure Brand Integrity

Most importantly, having a mobile app helps ensure brand integrity. With more businesses looking to create custom apps, it’s important to make sure that your business is getting its own unique mobile experience. Just like any marketing material or social media account for your business, your app needs to represent your brand and project an image that you want customers to associate with your business. Having control over how users interact with and think about your brand can help you establish customer loyalty by making them feel connected to you on a deeper level.

Remain Relevant in the Age of Disruption

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it’s more important than ever for businesses to keep up with the latest trends. One way to do this is by having a mobile app. By having an app, businesses can remain relevant in the age of disruption and connect with their customers in a new and innovative way.

Customers today have endless options when it comes to choosing products and services. To compete, businesses need to be on top of their game by providing excellent customer service and creating an experience that sets them apart from competitors. With so many apps available, customers can quickly find what they’re looking for on their phones instead of using a web browser or opening up a desktop computer. If businesses want to remain relevant in such a fast-paced environment, having a mobile app is key.

Launch, Launch, Launch!

The launch of a new product is always an exciting time for a business. But what many businesses don’t realise is that a successful launch requires more than just a great product. In today’s digital age, a mobile app is essential to any business’ success.

In today’s digital age, a mobile app is no longer a luxury. Instead, it’s an essential part of any business. Users are becoming increasingly reliant on their smartphones and tablets for purchases, meaning you need to be ready when they’re looking to buy something. A mobile app allows users to browse your products and services at any time and in any place, making them more likely to convert into buyers. Not only that, but a good mobile app can help boost your SEO ranking by providing an easy-to-use link back to your website. To make sure you launch with success, consider hiring experts in both product development and marketing. Getting help will ensure that your product is developed right from day one and prepared for success!

Welcome Back, Baby Boomers!

The term baby boomer is used to describe people who were born between 1946 and 1964. That’s right, we’re talking about the generation that started the hippie movement, fought for civil rights, and landed a man on the moon. But what you may not know is that baby boomers are also responsible for another huge milestone: the rise of the internet. Thanks to their purchasing power, interest in technology, and willingness to try new things (e.g., MySpace), this demographic was at the forefront of technology adoption in recent decades. They might not be as tech-savvy as millennials or Gen Xers today, but their love for all things digital has had an immense impact on our world—and it’s just getting started!

Boomers are a significant demographic, comprising just over 24% of our nation’s population. As they age, they are spending more and more time online and embracing digital tools like mobile apps to help them in their daily lives. In fact, 76% of baby boomers now use their smartphones daily—up from 68% in 2016! Despite all that progress, however, many businesses have failed to meet the boomers’ needs when it comes to mobile technology.

Sell Yourself Online in an Offline World

In today’s business world, it’s important to have a strong online presence. But what about businesses that exist primarily in the offline world? While they may not need a website or social media account, they can still benefit from having a mobile app. Here are a few reasons why:

  • A mobile app can help you reach a wider audience. Even if your customer base is primarily offline, there are still people who search for businesses like yours on their phones.
  • You can take advantage of offline functionalities. For example, you could provide coupons or deals to customers based on their location, something that’s impossible if you only have an online presence.
  • You can engage customers after hours. A mobile app gives you a chance to stay in touch with customers even when your store is closed, allowing you to provide an extra level of service that improves their experience.
  • You can build customer loyalty and give out rewards to frequent shoppers. One way to do that is by offering loyalty points or exclusive offers through your mobile app that you don’t make available anywhere else.

Tracking and Analysing Consumer Behaviour

Being able to track and analyse consumer behaviour is critical for any business, but it’s especially important for businesses that are looking to improve their mobile app. By understanding how customers use your app, you can make necessary changes to improve the user experience. Additionally, being able to see which features are being used the most (and least) can help you focus your development efforts on areas that will have the biggest impact.

Increase Your Conversions and Get Customer Feedback

More and more people are using their mobile devices to access the internet. This means that if you want to reach your target audience, you need to have a mobile presence. A mobile app can help you increase your conversions by making it easier for customers to purchase your products or services. Additionally, a mobile app can also be a great way to get feedback from customers.

An increase in conversions usually translates to an increase in revenue. Additionally, customer feedback can help you get a feel for how your target audience uses your product or service and how they would like it to be improved. So, when you put all of these benefits together, it’s easy to see why having a mobile app is so important.

So, if you have an existing business, a mobile app can be very useful in expanding your reach to new customers. By investing in a mobile app, you’ll be able to create a more seamless customer experience. Additionally, a mobile app will help increase your revenue and improve customer satisfaction levels by providing easy access to your services or products.

How SovTech Can Help

With mobile business development services from SovTech, your company will have a custom app to use as a virtual storefront, to improve customer support and more. Our team of specialists knows how to help you get started with the right resources, skillsets and technology. Contact us today to chat about what we can do for you!

As seen on FOX, Digital journal, NCN, Market Watch, Bezinga and more
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